Film the raid 2 berandal full movie movie#
The Raid‘s synopsis was straightforward – cops raiding a tenement block in the Jakarta slums get trapped in the building and good cop Rama (the charismatic, ass-kicking Iko Uwais) beats the living hell out of the crimelords who rule the roost, as per martial arts movie convention.

Sequel logic says “go bigger” and The Raid 2 – or The Raid: Berandal which means “Thug” – does indeed go bigger, longer and more full-on-intense. In total, the more people seeing this film the better because it deserves a good box office performance and is, in my humble opinion, an essential motion picture that has to be seen. Actually, just get a hold of anyone you can find and compel them to come along because The Raid 2 is even better as a shared experience. While you’re going, perhaps grab friends and family members and drag them along to the cinema with you. The most important thing on the agenda today is The Raid 2. All these insignificant trivialities, responsibilities, ‘real life’ things and suchlike are all, at this precise moment, irrelevant. Whatever you’re doing – ‘work’, advanced procrastination, making coffee, giving birth, reading frivolous and self-indulgent articles on pop culture websites – drop it right now and head directly to a place that’s screening The Raid 2. I am mentally slapping you across the face (with a dash of silat martial arts style) as I write this in the hope that I can telekinetically shock some sense into you and motivate you to act accordingly. Still here? Get up, get out and go see The Raid 2. You’re going to need time to settle into your seat and get comfortable before the carnage unfolds. True, it may not be showing for several hours, but that just means you’ll get there early and that would be ideal. In fact, I urge you to stop whatever you’re doing right now and head directly to the nearest movie theatre so that you can experience it immediately. I really recommend that you go and see this film.