The Basques also speak a non-Indo-European language and have genetic markers that pre-date the rise of agriculture. The Basques have the highest incidence of the gene out of any population in the world. One population which contains an unusually high frequency of the gene for the Rh-Negative blood type are the Basques from northeastern Spain. (ec-jpr/ CC BY NC ND 2.0 ) Rh-Negative Blood Lineages Scientists Believe they Have Found the Origins of the Unique Basque Cultureīlood type testing.A world map of Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestry in modern humans.The Shroud of Turin: Controversial Cloth Defies Explanation as Study Shows it Has DNA From Around the World.Others suggest that lineages with the gene for Rh-Negative blood are merely special in some way and were not meant to be mixed with lineages which are predominantly Rh-Positive. To some people, this looks like the mother’s body is rejecting the baby - which has led them to suggest that perhaps the reason for the rejection is incompatibility based on the mother and child being of different species. When a woman who is Rh-Negative is pregnant with a child that is Rh-Positive, the mother’s immune system creates protective anti-bodies to the Rh-Positive blood, and her blood essentially becomes toxic to the child. What is unusual about Rh-Negative blood is that the gene for it is surprisingly common despite being potentially harmful. This explanation seems to be the one most consistent with available evidence and the one that is most able to withstand Occam’s Razor. The majority of scientists who have studied the blood type have concluded that it is most likely just a random mutation. Theories range from supernatural ones such as being of divine descent or membership in a divinely chosen people-group, to more scientific or pseudoscientific explanations such as interbreeding with extraterrestrials. This has led some to suggest that Rh-Negative blood must be of a non-human origin. Health problems may occur for the unborn child of a mother with Rh-Negative blood when the baby is Rh-Positive. There are also instances, however, where people are Rh-Negative. Most people who have the Rh blood type are Rh-positive.